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Rationel Wooden Window Restoration & Repairs

Rationel has more than 30 years of experience in manufacturing windows in Ireland.Like all products things during a life cycle of Rationel windows need love,care and restoration. Proposed  Methodology and Materials to be used  as follows:


Clean & Washing Rationel Wooden Windows: all areas by Electrical Power -washer and hand as needed

Sanding: all timber areas to solid substrata where black waters stains are present use heavy duty grades sand paper, then light and varnish and paint remover as needed.


Repairs of Rationel Wooden Windows :  Timber Repairs: Remove all rotten timber, apply wood harder and then fill with natural wooden filler epoxy 2 part mix ,flush fill .to make smooth.


Bleaching Rationel Wooden Windows: where black water stains are present apply with toothbrush load of commercial bleach. Allow the bleach to sit on the wood overnight. Redone is needed Neutralize the bleach with before applying protective coating.


Painting Varnishing Coatings of Rationel Wooden Windows: Applying at least 3 coats of Sikkens where needed 4/5 coats in more damaged areas as follows: .Apply a Sikkens translucent exterior wood basecoat on all timbers , two where needed as in areas of blister formations, followed by Sikkens translucent topcoat for thise advanced alkyd resin retains elasticity and offers excellent durability and protection for siding, logs and other vertical surfaces.

Video Showing how to paint over

Rationel Wooden Windows 

Video Showing how to remove black water stains/ damage from Rationel Windows 

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